What teachers are saying.
"Since Kelley started her weekly sessions with my preschool classroom, my students have been more settled in their bodies and more aware of how their energy and movements change how their bodies feel. Kelley’s sessions guide children through movement that encourages children to be free and expressive while keeping them cued into their heart and their breath. The program invites both children and teachers to be fully in their bodies and present with one another in a safe and accepting environment. Her language is easily adapted so teachers can cue children at later times to check in with their breath and body, allowing everyone to continually benefit from the program. We are thrilled to have this program for our preschoolers!"
— Jacquelyn Thomason, PreK Teacher at WES
"You have been such a wonderful resource to kids and teachers. The skills and tools you teach align so well with what we are teaching in our SEL WIN group, as well as what classroom teachers are trying to develop in their students. You have great flexibility working with all ages and types of learners, including students in special education and students who may have behavioral struggles. You bring a calm, nurturing energy to the work that can serve as a healthy pause and opportunity for self-care in the middle of a busy school day. Offering your meditations through Substack is such a helpful way to extend this resource beyond our time with you! Many thanks for developing this program!"
— Jess Stout, Social Emotional Learning Teacher at WES
“I have noticed that after just a few weeks with Miss Kelley, students are developing actual patterns and habits related to mindfulness. For example, a girl in our WIN group has let me know that she has used some of the mindful breathing techniques you have taught. In addition, my boys' WIN group refers to their "special place" almost every day I see them! The value of these lessons is immense and helps kids beyond their school days."
— Erin Klocek, School Counselor at WES
“Our class has enjoyed Inner Rhythms immensely. Miss Kelley is a bright and positive presence. She brings an empathetic centeredness to her lessons. Students are given voice and choice as they reflect, breathe and connect with their thoughts and feelings.”
— Jen Mayo, 3rd Grade Teacher at WES
“The focus on mind/body awareness and finding a calm inner space when difficulty presents itself is a perfect way to start the day!”
— Rob Hansen, 4th Grade Teacher
What parents are saying.
“Inner Rhythms has been such an important tool for my children as they learn about the power of their minds and movement in navigating and processing life’s ups and downs. I see the impact of this program at home: the children pull on things they learned through Inner Rhythms to find their way through challenging feelings and experiences. They are excited to set their imaginations free and put their bodies in motion. Inner Rhythms is providing them with the tools they need to be creative and resilient members of their cohorts and broader communities. It is exactly what they need to balance out their whole-child education.”
— 1st & 3rd Grade Parent
“Skills and strategies taught during Inner Rhythms transfer! At home during a tense moment, my son suggested that Square Breathing would be a helpful next step for everybody in the family. He walked us through the steps of the exercise and we all felt better. Thank you, Kelley, for bringing this powerful program to school. We see and feel the benefits at home!”
— 3rd Grade Parent
"I can attest to Kelley's effect on the students. My son has come home from PreK after taking part in this program and spouts a level of self-awareness that is both impressive and adorable. I've studied mindfulness for a little over five years and wish I started young. It would've saved me so much time, money, and energy that I've spent managing mental and emotional hygiene. Give these kiddos a proof-positive head start!"
— PreK & Kindergarten Parent
What students are saying.
“I really like when we do Imagination Vacation. I really like the music and it makes me feel really calm.”
— 3rd grader
"I woke up from a nightmare and used Inner Rhythms Imagination Vacation to calm down and fall back asleep."
— 3rd grader
My sister broke my lego creation and I used an Inner Rhythm breathwork to calm down instead of reacting."
— Third Grader